Corporate Social Responsibility

Maxi Delta gives high priority to the social responsibility of companies and employees. This has been translated into a policy that emphasizes social responsibility within the corporate structure. In the following passage you will find a fragment of the Corporate Social Responsibility guidelines of Maxi Delta.

Chain monitoring: It is important to Maxi Delta that the full business chain of Maxi Delta, staff, customers and suppliers have full compliance to carry out business with maximum social responsibility. It ascertains that all actions fit to social norms and values. For example when importing materials, an evaluation is made to assess if the company follows the same standards. Health and safety of employees in all parts of the business chains are of great importance for Maxi Delta. This chain monitoring is given special attention, also in product development and social-economic services.

Maxi Delta follows a strict anti-corruption policy and has special focus with its policy in countries where this may be a liability. We are convinced that honest intentions and an open atmosphere will create better results, and allows us to be a trustworthy and reliable player in today’s and tomorrow’s economic field. Maxi Delta actively grants dispensation to personnel to carry out voluntary work, which allow given organizations unremunerated specialist knowhow. And our personnel can contribute freely in the social community, without loss of income.

Maxi Delta has every intention to continue and expand this policy. Joining forces of corporate and nonprofit organizations leads to fruitful contributions to society and maximizes synergy that also encourages to the involvement of our employees in today’s world.